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Ian Stocker - Vacant Gallery
07/11/2024 - Trying to decide how to structure my blog.
06/24/2024 - IM FREE. i got the pro plan so i can add more! hello everyone :3
04/17/2024 - Actually, I might add things occasionally overtime to this for fun. Carrd is pretty fun if you use it like a personal site. I know coding is a great skill but in the mean time I'll have my fun...Here, I'll share something I think is cool! Tekno: The Robotic Kitty! It was released in 1999 by Manley Toy Quest and it could walk, meow, flick its mechanical tail, "eat", and "sniff". All alongside its beautiful, clunky "futuristic" design and glowing LED eyes. Though truthfully I was a bit disappointed the eyes aren't as emotive as I would've liked... You can learn more about it through TheOldRobots.com (a great resource) or through the company's original website from 2001, kitty-robot.com.The reason I know of this toy is because I own one (the picture on the right is mine)! It was given to me by my brother which was given to him by my grandpa. Now my grandpa has since passed, so I cannot ask where he got it from. However, my mother has told me that my grandpa used to participate in auctions for random stuff he didn't need (from the state of my grandparent's house was left in when my grandma also passed, I can confirm this is most likely true. A lot of hoards.) so he most likely got it through those and then placed it next to his living room chair.Good memories for me. I remember seeing this cat sitting on my grandparent's floor and thinking it was the coolest thing ever. I never messed with it or touched it because I thought it was too important. Almost like it was a real cat. I was too young to know whenever something was invaluable or not. and In the 2000's, anything mechanical or electric felt like it was worth far more than my childlike curiosity (I was very young at the time. So everyone around me thought I would ruin things if I touched them. I respected that and kept my distance usually.) Thinking back, I think I was pretty jealous my brother got it instead but that's how it is when your the youngest. I still remember the old dirty velvet chairs of my grandparent's home and the blues and greens of my brother's childhood bedroom :)My grandparent's house is now empty, I'm an adult, and my brother has since moved out.
But this little cat toy stands still on my dresser.
04/16/2024 - Watch this dope video :)

Name: Alive Forgood
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 20 years old
Occupation: epicly unemployedArt tag is #Alive art
Fursona tag is #alive forgoodI am also known as a4g, aliveanimal, and alive _ for _ good
I post whatever I like at anytime I feel like.
My long-term interest is Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (I post about it mostly on a side blog however).
I currently like machines/objects, art, and hfjone :)
Spore, nintendogs, The Future is Wild, Might & Delight Shelter games, The Dog Island, Old Web Stuff :)I really like the nintendo ds/3ds lineup of consolesI used to post a lot of mcyt stuff but i dont really watch anymore :) I still interact with fan content time to time though.
Alive Forgood
He's an ambiguous canine. His right eye and a small section of his tail are open, festering sores that skin never grows over and, if left unattended, will pour out his inwards! Luckily, Alive Forgood keeps brown bandages around to keep himself presentable. He doesn't feel pain from this. All his continuous exposed wounds are generally numb with dull and tingling sensations remaining. There is speculation that he may be a ghost.(He's nice...)

not finished!